Monday, August 24, 2009

iLove iTunes

Well, let me start off with an apology for my complete lack of posting. See, here's my problem with that: I always have a lot to blog about, but never actually come on the computer and blog. So I'm going to try and get back into the blogging world, really, I will...anyway, here's what I feel like blogging about tonight *drum roll please*

If I were ever to name myself a shopaholic it would be due to the fact I buy so much on iTunes. I can spend $60 in iTunes cards in about 2 hours. The thing I like about iTunes is that when you purchase a CD, it give you recommendations on other CDs you may like, according to what you just bought. So you may see my problem. I go to iTunes, ready to buy a CD I want, and then it recommends another CD, so I click on the recommendation, preview the CD, like it so much I have to buy it, have a new favorite artist and have reason to get more iTunes cards. If they use the recommendations as a way to get more money out of people, it sure works on me! But I also see it as a way to listen to artists I haven't heard of before and actually end up liking. Like right now, I'm listening to a band called "Pocket Full of Rocks". I never would have heard of them if not for this recommendation, and now I can't stop listening to them. Another thing I really like about this: I'm learning that I'm REALLY into Christian music, but I'm not aware of too many artists of that genre. So when I buy something on iTunes that is Christian music, it will tell me what else is out there that I might like, which I think is really awesome. So if you're ever using iTunes, always check the recommendations, because they are really good most of the time. The End.

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